John Wingard
Professor of Philosophy
Dean of Humanities
On Faculty Since 2007
Studying philosophy at Covenant is a matter of Christian discipleship as we strive to do the work of philosophy under the Lordship of Christ and in ways that are consistent with and shaped by our Reformed theological commitments. The faculty and students form a tight-knit community of truth-seekers who enjoy pursuing questions of great importance to our existence and flourishing as human beings in ways that we hope will glorify God and serve to advance the rule of Christ in this world. Together we read and interact with the great works of significant philosophers, past and present, and seek both to discern and appropriate gifts of common grace that are true, good, and beautiful, and to recognize and reject that which is false and the fruit of sinful rejection of God's good rule. Students of philosophy at Covenant not only gain knowledge of philosophical problems and the history of philosophy, but they also develop skills in careful reading, analyzing texts and arguments, critical thinking, problem solving, writing, and oral presentation. With the development of these and other skills under the loving supervision of Christian mentors who are seriously engaged both in the church and in the academy, and who see all of life as rightfully under the rule of King Jesus, students who complete the philosophy major at Covenant are prepared for graduate study in philosophy or professional study (e.g., law school, seminary) if called to that, and more importantly, they are prepared for life in the church and society, whatever their particular callings might be. As a grateful disciple of Jesus Christ who loves Him, His Church, the Scriptures, Reformed theology, and the discipline of philosophy, it is an inestimable joy and honor to mentor students whom God calls to Covenant and to the study of philosophy in particular—a privilege for which I am most grateful!
- PhD, University of Miami
- MA, University of Miami
- MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary
- BA, Belhaven College
Interests / Specialization
Philosophical theology, metaphysics, moral philosophy & theology, human sexuality, history of analytic philosophy, modern epistemic skepticism
Selected Professional Work
- “Quantum Physics and Its Alleged Threat to the Principle of Sufficient Reason,” Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics 10.1 (2017): 21-29.
- “Confession of a Reformed Philosopher: Why I Am a Compatibilist about Determinism and Moral Responsibility,” Themelios 42.2 (August, 2017): 263-84.
- “God and Possible Worlds: A Reformed Exploration,” Philosophia Christi 20.1 (2018): 139-54.
- “Theism and the Metaphysics of Free Will: A Review Essay,” Philosophia Christi 21 (2019): 189-197.
- “God’s Design for Human Sexuality,” presentation and Q&A session at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama on September 29, 2022.
Get to know your professor
Q. If you could compete in an olympic sport, what would it be and why?
A. 100 meter dash (I've always loved to run fast, and I still experience a thrill
when I watch world-class sprinters running the 100!)
Q. Favorite movie?
A. Chariots of Fire
Q. Favorite food?
A. Sweet potatoes
Q. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
A. My wife's smile
Q. If you could teach any other major, what would it be?
A. Theology
Q. Personal Interests/Hobbies
A. Playing classical piano, amateur (ham) radio